How strong landing pages drive lead generation

Developing a dedicated landing page enables you to create a compelling visual identity and messages tailored for different audience segments. They are also a great way of converting visitors into leads. Here are five ways you can create a landing page that will help your business drive new leads.

Create a targeted headline and visual identity

Ensure the headline and image are aimed at the target market as this is most likely the first thing users will see when they land on the page.

State your value proposition

What is the purpose of the landing page? It’s important for any content that explains your page to be at the top half of the page. The most appropriate place to write your value proposition is underneath the headline. 

Landing page











Think about compelling content

How will this page and the services you offer be of value to your target audience? Think about incentives that may appeal to your audience such as a free consultation, a download guide or eBook. Video is an increasingly popular medium for users who want fast, easily accessible advice about problems they’re trying to solve. According to the latest Nielson Mobile Report consumers are watching and downloading videos on smartphone devices more than ever. Mobile and even tablet devices provided users with the opportunity to engage with content anytime, anywhere.

Our financial advisory client, FMD Financial, are using video to engage their target markets:

What influences Health, Wealth & Happiness

The importance of life insurance

Advice for young families planning for the future  

Include a Call to Action (CTA)

Offer quality content (such as a free download to an eBook) in return for the users’ email address.

Offer more service details

The most effective way to explain the full services your business offers is to list them (the above example has them listed as bullet points as they are easier to read than large chunks of copy).

For more great landing pages see: and for more information on how building a landing page can impact your lead generation contact us.

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